Monday, May 5, 2008

Feeling Fruity!

Hold on to your seats - we have fruit! While making my fruit tree rounds -I like to check them out to make sure everything is going well and everyone is healthy - I discovered ACTUAL FRUIT! No way, you say! It's true! My baby trees are producing their first fruits - hopefully barring major disaster and plague (such as birds and insects!) we might have some fruit this year! So far it's just the cherries and peaches - no apples (I have Winesap and Granny Smith) or pears yet - this may not be their year - but they bloomed later than the others so I'm still holding my breath!

Peachy Peaches!

Choice Cherries!

In other 'farm news' our garden is coming in strong! We early-planted a row of corn, black beans, peas, black-eyed peas, and onions of all shapes and sizes and so far everyone is coming in nice and strong! I planted my herb garden over the weekend and getting ready to go in soon will be spaghetti squash and other assorted veggies along with my thriving tomato plants and various peppers! Hooray Spring! Now, I might not be saying this come picking and canning season since that's when I am off in the summer and according to Logan I have 'nothing better to do' (um, do my 1 billion knitting projects count?).

Don't mind the crooked rows - everything grows the same, straight or not!

1 comment:


Wow, must be some special "growing" dirt in Wytheville. And, boy are you going to be surprised when the crops come in!!!!!!